Maaterpiece Monday #20

Hello! I’m KingJamaa, and today I’ll be showcasing four wonderful masterpieces. How about we get started?


CupCakeCeline’s car masterpiece really took my breath away. The highlights and choice of color are amazing, as well as the overall shape of the vehicle itself.


Next up, we have doglil’s piece of cherry blossoms. I adore the hues used, and the bridge ties the work together.

Thirdly, we have Magic1vy’s realistic cat art. The small brush strokes are wonderful, and the anatomy is great!

Thirdly, we have Magic1vy’s realistic cat art. The small brush strokes are wonderful, and the anatomy is great!


FInally, we have Gundisalvus’ piece of Sans from the game Undertale. The skeleton’s cartoonish shape is very pleasing, and the swirl is so well done. Awesome job!

Anyways, that’ll be it for it. here. Have an awesome week, everybody! 


Masterpiece Monday #19

Hey! I’m KingJamaa, and today I’ll be presenting you the ninteenth edition of Masterpiece Monday. How’s about we get started?


Starbeing has created an amazing human art piece. I love the detailing, and even shading is glorious as well. The background also gives an interesting vibe to the work. 


Our next piece is made by Squidgirl23. I love the lineless style, and the colors are very similar to Julian’s horse which I enjoy.


tigernations’ sunset masterpiece is phenomenally awesome. The blending is so cool, and the shades are brilliant. 


Finally, Artymis’ cloud piece is fantastic. The colors they used are amazing, and the shading is gorgeous.

Anyways, that’s it for today. I’ll see you all next week! 


Masterpiece Monday #18

Hey there, Jammers! Welcome to the eighteenth edition of Masterpiece Monday. I hope you’re having a great day, and maybe it’ll get even better upon viewing these gorgeous masterpieces. 


Our first piece is drawn by Skystari. I love the colors they used, and he blending is amazingly done. Additionally, I love the use of the smudge tool!


 starandyou has made our second piece of the week. I adore the lineart, and the colors are so pleasing.


Artymis never fails to impress, especially with this rhino artwork. The dark colors mixed with the bright whites and grays really pays off, and the anatomy is phenomenal. 


Finally, 5weetpeas’ border collie art really caught my eye. The colors used are gorgeous, and the way the piece is put together is awesome. 

Anyways, that’ll be it for this week. I’ll see you next time, and play wild!


Masterpiece Monday #17

​Salutations, Jammers! I’m King, and today I’ll be showcasing four different masterpieces. How about we get started?


Our first piece is made by Pleasenosuddenmoves. I adore this masterpiece not only because it’s of a member of my favorite band, but it’s gorgeously done! I love the detail on Tyler’s skin, and his glassed are well made- especially the glare! Additionally, the anatomy amd shading is awesome for this monochrome piece.


 Masternibblenugetts has made an adorable cat masterpiece. The effects on this are gorgeous, and the blending is fantastic! I love the background as well, the colors go so nicely together! All in all, this is a very well-done piece.


Next up, we have a wonderful scenery piece by tigernations! I absolutely love how the colors are used, though the palette is so pleasing.  With the limitations of the AJ paint studio, this artist certainly did a great job!


Last but not least brings us Creativelight’s anthropomorphic raccoon artwork! The Golden lineart makes the character pop, and the white background has the same affect on the piece. Finally, the items are so well done ame this artist has an amazing style!

Well, that’s it for today. I’ll see you next week, and be sure to play wild! 


Masterpiece Monday #16

​Salutations, Jammers! I’m King, and I’ll be producing the sixteenth week of Masterpiece Monday.


cottonball43520 has created our first piece for today. The rabbit is adorable, and the gradient background is lovely. In addition, I adore the shading! 


ELeeney’s masterpiece of Nick Wilde from Zootopia really caught my attention. I love the offset green background, and the fur colors are very close to the movie’s shades. In addition, I love the effect of the black lineart!


Thirdly, we have Toxicmedow4601’s Sir Gilbert piece. In general, this artist is very talented, and this masterpiece doesn’t fail to show that. The detailing and shading is amazing, and he realism is spontaneous. 


Last but not least is Galactakirby’s adorable pixel artwork of the video game character Kirby. The piece’s simplicity really makes a difference, and the cel-shading and pastel colors are phenomenal.

If you’d like to see your piece here, don’t be afraid to shoot us an email at with the subject line Masterpiece Monday Submission

Anyways, that’s it for this week. Play wild! 


Masterpiece Monday #15

Salutations! I’m KingJamaa, and today I’m presenting you the fifteenth edition of Masterpiece Monday. Let’s get started, shall we? 


astroverse has created our first masterpiece this week.  I love the shading and lines, and additionally the numbere im the background give some color to the piece.


Secondly, we have Lunicy’s gorgeous artwork. I love how they drew the figure, and the background and colors really blend well together. Amazing job! 


Up next is a stunning piece by wolfqt. The red color palette is awesome, and the use of multiple different shades really pays off in this art.


Last but not least is linga’s awesome realistic arctic wolf piece. I love the shading and palette, and the anatomy is just phenomenal. Nice work!

If you’re interested in getting your work shown here, don’t be afraid to send us an attachment of your art in an email to Don’t forget to title your email as Masterpiece Monday Submission

Anyways, Jammers, that’ll be it for this week. I’ll see you next time! 


Masterpiece Monday #14

Hello there! I’m King, and today I’ll be showcasing four awesome pieces today. Les get started, shall we?


I adore this Warrior Cats inspired piece by gubec! The lineart is phenomenal, and the flowing fur and loving really takes the cake here.


Splovacatopancakes has made this awesome arctic fox artwork! The style is amazing, and I love the text! Overall, this is a very well done piece.


Our third piece by Violin109 is amazing! The outline makes the wolf pop, and the colored lines give the piece another dimension. 


Finally, we have gaid5’s awesomely adorable artwork. I love the color palette,  and the anatomy is great!

If you’d like your piece shown here, don’t be afraid to email it to us via with the title of Masterpiece Monday Submission. Thanks for submitting! 

Anyways, that’s all for today. Farewell, and have an amazing week! 


Masterpiece Monday #13

Hello there! I’m KingJamaa, and today I’ll be bringing you the thirteenth edition of Masterpiece Monday. How about we get started?​


phantomnews/phantomwarden has created the first masterpiece I’ll be showcasing today. I love the smoothness of the writing and straightness of the lines, and the color palette is gorgeous and really looks like a newspaper. 


Arrowthewolfy’s Pokémon piece is one I fell in love with. The scenery and color palette are phenomenal, and I adore the shading style.


Thirdly, we have Apoløgize’s realistic wolf piece. I love the unique blending style, and the detail is awesome. In addition, I love the background! 


Finally, we have Nymphaeaalba’s forest scenery piece. I love the attention to detail, and the colors are so pleasing. To add on, the perspective is amazing! 

Well, that’ll be it from me. But, wait- if you would like to submit your work to be shown here, send us an email at with the subject line Masterpiece Monday Submission. Thanks, and farewell! Have a nice day. 


Masterpiece Monday #12

Hey there, everyone! It’s King again, and today I’m going to be showcasing four spectacular art pieces today. How about we get started, hm? 


solarcanines has made this awesome piece of a girl! The colors and simplistic background collide so beautifully, and I adore that. Additionally, I love the style! 


Lion from Steven Universe is depicted in thescatsbury’s rather adorable piece. I love the artist’s style, and he color pallet is stunning. Additionally, the shading is awesome! 


doglil has an excellent deer piece I’d like to share today. The blending they used is phenomenal, and the anatomy is on point. I honestly really like this artwork! 


Finally, but definitely not least, Nimadoodle has drawn an exceptional piece of a rodent-type creature. My eyes instantly set on the cool, dark colors, as well as the transition of them, too. To add on, the purple of the background makes the creature pop!

That’s it for the masterpieces, but wait- how do you get your piece shown here? Excellent question, my friend. Just shoot us an email at with an attachment of your masterpiece and with the title of Masterpiece Monday Submission!

Anyways, that’s actually it from me. I’ll see you next time! 


Masterpiece Monday #11

​Salutations, everyone! The name’s King and I’m more than pleased to be your host for today. We have four amazing pieces to view this fine day, so let’s jump right into it.


 Nymphaeaalba’s flower piece really caught my attention while looking through masterpieces. The lettering is gorgeous, and the shape of the plant isn’t stunning and overall amazing.


Secondly is Taeteaa’s artwork of an anime-type girl. The way you draw her was amazing, and the black lineart takes piece to a whole new level. In addition, the colors are bright and stand out against each other.


Next up is Teddiboo’s phenomenal piece of a canine laying down sideways, face towards the sky. I love the interpretation of the pose, and the background makes the wolf stand out. To add on, the text was an awesome addition!


Last but not least is boop32’s desert/snake masterpiece. I love the AJ style, and the pet looks just like the real model. Finally, the background is such an awesome add-on.​

​If you’ve ever wanted your artwork showcased here, it’d be appreciated if you could email your work and add the subject line Masterpiece Monday Submission. Thanks!

Anyways, that’ll be it. Have an awesome day!!​


Masterpiece Monday #10

​Greetings! I’m King, and I’ll be your host this week. Let’s get started with our first masterpiece this week, shall we?


Firstly is Snickerapu’s Julian2 piece. The colored lineart makes the piece pop, and the shading is awesome, as well.


Next up is Sorasai’s piece inspired by the movie Finding Dory. The way baby Dory was captured is adorable, and no I love the texture in this piece especially.


This piece drawn by Jammer001371 shows two purple winged wolves flying through a gorgeous scene. I love the colors, and he background is awesome.


Finally, we have gwaver’s waterfall scene! The rushing water looks so realistic, and so does the brick and moss. In addition, the lighting is gorgeous! 

If you’ve ever wanted to see your piece here, send over an email with the title Masterpiece Monday Submission to and one day it’ll appear here! 

That’s it for now, everyone. Play wild! 


Masterpiece Monday #8

Hello, everyone! Today, we’ve got another edition of Masterpiece Monday. Without further ado, please enjoy! 



Artisticc11’s squirrel piece is our first for today. I love how they’ve added the texture on the animal, as it really gives the piece some life. In addition, the background is phenomenal!​


Secondly we have Astilbe’s sunrise/set piece.​ I adore the brightness of the overall scene, and the blending is amazing.


This wonderful cat piece by Toxicmedow4601 is sure to blow you away! The proportions are so well thought out, and the fur is subtle yet effective.​


Last but not least is Nimadoodle’s fox piece. The lineart is so smooth, and the detail is awesome. In addition, the background really makes the fox stand out!​

​If you’ve made a masterpiece you’d like shown here, don’t be afraid to email it on over to with Masterpiece Monday Submission as the title!

Anyways, that’ll be it for today. I’ll see you in the wild!​


Masterpiece Monday #7

Hello, ​everyone! It’s King, and today I’m back with another edition of Masterpiece Monday. We have four awesome artworks to showcase, so how about we get started?


Our first piece is drawn by Fruitsbasket11223. The colors of the piece are awesome. And the shading is extraordinary as well. In addition, the pose on the girl is so well made! 


Next up is a rather interesting piece by Doglil– it’s of Brady Barr! The anatomy of his face is on the dot, and the way you got the photo accurately is stunning.


Xxblurryxx has made a piece depicting a dog and cat snuggling against each other. The texture of the piece is awesome, and the way you combined realism with cartoon is amazing!


Phantomwarden’s masterpiece is the last for today, but it’s definitely a good one.​ The lines are so smooth, and the phantom eye behind Greely is amazing. In addition, the wolf alpha is so incredibly amazing.

​If you’d like one of your pieces featured, please send it through an email to with the title Masterpiece Monday Submission! Thanks for all your support.

​That’ll be it for this time! Ciao, and have a nice day.


Masterpiece Monday #6

​Hello jammers! My name is KingJamaa, and I’m pleased to be your host this fine day. Today, we have four amazing masterpieces by talented individuals to share, so let’s get started!


Fruitsbasket11223 has made a brilliant piece! The clouds look as fluffy as they would in reality, and the blending of the colors is phenomenal! In addition, I love the person with the violin in the foreground, it really makes the piece original in my opinion.


Secondly, Blackwolf507’s black cat masterpiece is absolutely adorable! I adore the kitty’s shining blue eyes, and the background of greens and dark blues really make the creature pop.


Next up is Kittycorgi’s bright fantasy scene. Use of bright colors was definitely a good decision, and the lighting is spot-on. To add on, the detail is amazing!


Last but not least calls for Sorasai’s puppy artwork. I love all the small details, and the colors are spontaneous!

Well, that’ll be it for masterpieces this week. If you have your own masterpiece to send in, you can email it to support@animaljamarchives.comwith the subject line Masterpiece Monday Submission! Maybe one day it’ll appear here, hm?

Anyways, I’ll see you in Jamaa. Have an awesome week!


Masterpiece Monday #5

​Hey there! My name’s KingJamaa, and I care if you’re ready for this week’s edition of Masterpiece Monday. (I apologize for the cringey band pun.) Anyways, with that aside, today I have four fantastic art pieces to show you all. How about we get started, hm?


Artymis’ portrait of Merida from the movie Brave is our first masterpiece this time around. The lighting is amazing, as well as the anatomy and the replication of the style within the film. The background makes this princess’s hair really pop, and I love how it’s blended.


Next up, we have a gorgeous illustration by none other than Windycityblues. The pointillism effect is a great touch to the piece, and the artist’s thinking redesign of this famous artwork is phenomenal.


Buzz, buzz! Do you hear that sound? It seems like Jammer13wqz’s bee masterpiece is flying right around the corner! Don’t worry, we don’t have a piece of Barry Bee Benson, as the brushstrokes and realism really take the cake here. Pardon my puns, but I just love how bee-utiful the color scheme is. Anyways, in all seriousness, I adore this piece.


Last but not least, Felispirit’s halfbody shot of Aparri is beyond gorgeous. The artist’s style is stunning, and the amount of detail seems to be limitless. I love how the colors go so well together, and the anatomy is just spot-on.

Before I go, I’d like to ask you, the wonderful individual reading this, if YOU have any Animal Jam or Play Wild artwork (drawn in the art studios the games have) that you’d like shown on this very segment! If you do, you can shoot an email with your submission (with the subject line as Masterpiece Monday Submission), or you can PM it to me on Amino or Hangouts, both under the name KingJamaa.

Farewell, and happy jamming!


Masterpiece Monday #4

Salutations, jammers! My name is KingJamaa, and I welcome you to a very special and patriotic edition of Masterpiece Monday! Today, we’ll be showcasing two freedom day themed masterpieces found under the #AJfreedom tag on Instagram. Let’s get started with the art, shall we?


Our first masterpiece is drawn by @starry.silhouette.aj and depicts a wolf staring at some colorful fireworks. I love the colors on the piece, and the pose is very well done. In addition, the shading is phenomenal, as well as the small details.


Finally, @cupcakecelineaj’s freedom theme park piece is phenomenal! I adore the reflections in the water, as well as the rabbit! The lighting and blending are additionally excellent, what an excellent job.

If you have any masterpieces you’d like to share, please send the, to me via Google Hangouts or Animal Jam Amino! (You can find me on both platforms by searching KingJamaa.) I take all submissions into consideration, and maybe yours will pop up here one week!

With that, that’ll be it from me. Have a great evening, and a happy freedom day!


Masterpiece Monday #3

Greetings, Jammers! My name is KingJamaa, and I welcome you to another edition of Masterpiece Monday! Don’t know what that is? Masterpiece Monday is where I compile a few masterpieces I find to be amazing and compliment them. Let’s get started with the first of our four art pieces, shall we?


Here, we have Phabphoeblie’s tiger masterpiece! I love the scenery, and the blending is phenomenal. I adore the shading, as well as the leaves. Amazing job!


Next up is a piece of a wolf drawn by Kittycorgi. I enjoy the style, it’s very soft and pleasing to the eye. The colors and anatomy are additionally exceptional, and the background makes the subject pop.


Redwing’s phoenix art takes the cake for our third masterpiece this week. The colors blend together well, and the cool-colored background stands out and adds to the beauty of the piece. The fire of the bird is stunning, and I love that it was added.


Last but not least, we have Chocolate4froggy’s representation of a pirate ship. The way the dark colors come together with the light colors of the lighting is exceptional, and the subject is amazing! In addition, the flow of the darker sky to a brighter one is stunning.

I am always open to suggestions of masterpieces! If you’d like your piece shown on Masterpiece Monday, you can deliver it to me via Animal Jam Amino (KingJamaa) or Google Hangouts (KingJamaa). Remember, I may not see all submissions ASAP, so if you think I missed yours please tell me.

Well, that’ll be it for me. Ciao, and play wild!
