Jamaaliday Clearance

The Jamaalidays are coming to an end as the new year approaches, and clearance sales are popping up all over Jamaa! The Jamaaliday Gift Shop in the Diamond Shop and the Jamaaliday Alpha armor will only be available for the next 10 days!

Jamaaliday Alpha armor

In addition to the Diamond Shop sales, the snowy topiaries in Sarepia Forest's Topiary Shop will also be leaving! For 500 gems each, you can get Lit Topiaries of your favorite animals, including tigers, foxes, cougars, and coyotes! 

Topiary Sale 2.png

Remember, if you don't get these items in time, you can still trade for them later! Don't forget to check back in with the Animal Jam Archives for news on the latest new and clearance items around Jamaa!

New and clearance items


Hey readers, it's Cherrioz here! If you didn't know already, everyday i update the new and clearance items, keeping you up to date with all the items here in Jamaa!

I update them so you know exactly when an item will be out of store & when a new one arrives!

It's updated daily, once an item is gone it will be removed from the tab & when an item is no longer new it will also be removed and replaced.

If you don't know where to find it, it's located to the right side of the blog, over here!

Make sure to keep your eyes open for all of the new and clearance items here in jamaa!

That's all for now jammers, if you have any questions / suggestions for me, feel free to message me on Instagram or write them in the comments below!

-Cherrioz ^-^