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6 Removed Features in Animal Jam Classic

  Over Animal Jam Classic’s 10+ year lifespan, so much has changed. This includes new features being introduced, as well as others being abandoned. 

  1. Name Change

  For years, Animal Jam Classic was known simply as Animal Jam. However, the name was given an extra word, deeming it “Animal Jam Classic”. During this transition, the mobile app previously known as Animal Jam Play Wild, adopted the name Animal Jam. This change sparked a lot of controversy, as many people in the community found it to be an unnecessary and rather confusing update.  

  According to Wildworks, the reason for this change was as follows: “Animal Jam Classic is the original game we all know and love. We wish to preserve that amazing legacy and the timelessness of Animal Jam Classic with this name, honoring its role and importance in the lives of millions of players.” 


2. Play timer

In the earlier days of the game there used to be a “play timer”. It’s function was to alert you when you’ve been playing for a certain amount of set time, so you know when it’s time to log off. Although I’m personally a big fan of this feature, it was removed and not much information can be found about it. 

3. Club Geoz

  Today where we see the Alpha Headquarters in Jamaa Township, once stood Club Geoz. 

  Club Geoz was a small nightclub type building where Jammers could go to hang out and dance with their buddies. It was first introduced in Animal Jam Classic’s beta, being made exclusive to members for a short period of time. 

  In October of 2017, the structure collapsed and was shortly replaced with Alpha Headquarters, which stands in its place today.

4. Spike Adventure prizes

  In Adventures such as Lucky Clovers, Tiki Trouble, and The Forgotten Desert, spiked collars and wrists could be won as prizes. This feature was removed after Wildworks noticed users would farm these rare items through the adventure. In an attempt to maintain the item's rarity, the decision was made to no longer give them out in adventures. Although you can no longer win spiked collars, spiked wristbands can still very rarely be won in The Forgotten Desert.

5. Monthly member gifts

  In the Animal Jam mobile app, members are given weekly exclusive gifts. What most people don’t know is that a very similar feature previously existed in Animal Jam Classic. 

  Every month, members would receive a Jam-A-Gram with an exclusive gift as a thank you from AJHQ. These gifts included items such as Tail Armor, Golden Gloves, Spikes, Nature Archways, and even some pets. 

  Despite how loved this feature was, it was discontinued in May of 2013. It was replaced with the Diamond Shop located in Jamaa Township, with diamonds being given to members instead. 

6. Chat emotes

  Everyone knows in Animal Jam Classic you can choose from a series of emotes to use in between messages, or to show a reaction. What most people don’t know is you used to be able to use emotes within your chat messages. This feature had a short lifespan, only being available for a few days. 

Which feature would YOU want to see back in AJC? Let us know in the comments below!
